Nava T. Gross | Graphic Design
Rosh Hashanah Card-Booklet Portfolio version.png

High Holiday Reader

Rosh Hashanah is one of the High Holy Days in Judaism. This Reader is a companion to prayer services, highlighting various lessons and messages to enhance the experience and strengthen one’s connection to God. Here is a link to an online version of the reader:

This project was very text-heavy, so I had quite a few challenges when putting it together. I had to find a way to differentiate the sections of the Reader which I did by finding imagery that would match each section’s theme. From those images, I pulled accent colors which I used to create design elements throughout.

I also needed an open-style font that would be easy to read, create enough contrast within the blocks of text, and break them up in a way that felt natural. For the title font, I used Beloved Sans, which has beautiful glyphs and a pleasant appearance. For the body copy, I used the font Hero New, a san-serif that is clean and legible even at a small size, which also had a large number of varying widths. I created the contrast by highlighting quotes in the section’s matching color and making them slightly bolder.

I am very happy with how the Reader turned out, and I believe it showcases my attention to detail.

This High Holiday Reader is a companion to prayer services on Rosh Hashanah. It highlights various lessons and messages to enhance the experience and strengthen one’s connection to God. Here is a link to the Online High Holiday Reader which may be easier for viewing.

Publications need to be clean and concise, with design elements that enhance the reading experience. To differentiate the sections of the reader, I used themed imagery and matching accent colors. I also wanted an open-style font that would be easy to read and match the tone. I created contrast by highlighting emboldened quotes in the section’s matching color.

The reader showcases my ability to bring life and color to a text-centric publication.


Booklet Cover

Translation of the Hebrew quote on the cover; Introductory Letter; Index.

Section 1

Section 1 continued; Section 2

Section 2 continued

Section 2 continued; Section 3

Section 3 continued

Hebrew Blessing said for the Jewish New Year

Back Cover